Cad-cam Outsource

Common Mistakes Every New Network Marketer Needs To Avoid

Posted on: February 21, 2009

In MLM or network marketing, your upline will usually tell you to go out and talk to everyone you can find about your product. But by selling to everyone, you are making everyone your target market, which is no good. Most likely, if you take this approach, you will come across people who will not want your product or care for your service. Therefore; before you go chasing after prospects you should first consider how your product can meet the requirements of your potential audience. By targeting people who have a specific need you will maximize your marketing efforts and avoid wasting time on people who don’t care about your product or service. While you should not be spending too much money at one point, you should not be too tight with your money as well. Sometimes you need to spend money to get things done and you should not be afraid to outsource any parts of your business to get it done. Always remember that you are in the business of helping people. People aren’t stupid. Trying to lie to them will only backfire in the end. If you truly value your business you will never lie to your prospects. People might back out from what they promised. Imagine when they lie to you and leave you no matter if they are your downline or upline. When you are prospecting, let your prospects or members prove to you that they are serious. If, for example, your business becomes too overwhelming for you to manage, you should not hesitate to outsource the more menial tasks of running your business while you concentrate on things that matter the most.

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